Hip Replacement

As many of you know, my right hip was replaced in January. The day of the surgery was a bit crazy. My wife and I had to leave the house at 6:00 am to make the 7:30 am check-in. The problem was there was a massive snowstorm overnight. The 401 was a freaking mess. I was prepared to get up early and shovel the driveway. Use up the rest of the lousy hip before the surgery!

One of my hip rehab exercises.


Some may define a warrior by how much they lift in the gym or their martial arts proficiency. I don’t disagree with this view. But why not add looking out for those more vulnerable than you are? Taking care of an elderly relative qualifies for the definition of being a warrior, at least in my book.

Going Back To The Gym

A month after my mother-in-law passed away, I returned to the gym for the first time in six months. While the hip wasn’t fully recovered, it was good enough for me to go to the gym. I stuck to the physio exercises for my hip and skipped the leg machines. I stuck with my upper body and was more into the “getting my feet wet” mode rather than getting into a serious routine.

Dumbbell presses.

While I have a good foundation, I feel I’ve stalled out in two areas. First, I lost 12 lbs and got down to 180 lbs. I have been stuck there for a couple of months. I need to fix that. Secondly, I’ve been doing periodic push-up tests. I desire to perform 60 push-ups by my 60th birthday.

A setback.

Resuming Private Lessons

Thank you to all those who have trained with me since 2007. I probably learned much more from my students than they have learned from me. I can’t emphasize enough how invaluable this experience has been for me.

Modern Arnis Camps

Of course, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the two phenomenal Modern Arnis Camps I attended this year. First up was the Michigan Camp. I entered the camp not having done any martial arts since my hip surgery. While I had to sit out a few sessions due to hip fatigue, I admit to being pleasantly surprised with the pain-free weekend. I tell you, I was one happy camper by the end of the weekend!

Yeah, baby!

Then, there was the annual ArnisFest, which took place in Mooresville, Indiana. I had a great time there, and the highlight was the promotion of Ken Smith and Chuck Gauss to Professor of Tapi Tapi. Well-deserved promotions!

From left to right: GM Will Higginbotham, Professor Ken Smith, myself, Professor Chuck Gauss and GM Earl Tullis.

Thank You to Blog Supporters!

My Top Posts of 2023

  1. The Benefits of Solo Training.
  2. Self Defense Tips for Deaf Individuals.
  3. Five Reasons to Suspend Martial Arts Training.
  4. More Trouble Ahead For Martial Arts Schools?
  5. A Freaking Lesson Learned.

Lastly, Happy New Year to all of you! May 2024 bring you prosperity and good tidings!