Welcome to the new revamped Bamboo Spirit Website and a new beginning!

First, I would like to thank Jason Fletcher for his original Bamboo Spirit logo design. It was a great design that served Bamboo Spirit well for nearly a decade. However, as the martial arts market and times have changed, I needed a new direction.

The old Bamboo Spirit Logo.
The old Bamboo Spirit Logo by Jason Fletcher.

Second, I would like to thank Katie Lawless for her superb work on the logo redesign, the typography, and for overhauling my website.

The new Bamboo Spirit Logo by Katie Lawless. This represents a new beginning!
The new logo by Katie Lawless, optimized for my Facebook page.

Some of you may ask: “Why?”

Over time, I realized that I needed a different image to convey what Bamboo Spirit was about.  For one thing, many schools use red in their branding, and the old logo, using that color, made it difficult for Bamboo Spirit to stand out.

Since Bamboo is a green plant, we decided to emphasize green in the branding in order for Bamboo Spirit to stand out. We wanted to convey that Bamboo Spirit is fun and flexible. As many of you know, the bamboo plant is noted for its adaptability, growing in different areas of the world, even here in Canada! Unlike an oak tree, the bamboo plant can bend with the wind. The bamboo plant thrives in hot and cold climates alike and continually renews itself.

We, at Bamboo Spirit, are fun, approachable, and flexible. This represents a new beginning.

Another reason for the re-branding is that the prior branding was plagued by inconsistency. An example would be the typography. As many of you may have observed, I have tried different fonts and sizes in my social media efforts. I just had no idea of how to match a header font with a body font. No freaking clue.

With the help of Katie, we have straightened out the typography issue. I’m very happy that I finally have some consistency in the typography! Further, I am pleased to finally have typography guidelines which were sorely missing in the past.

In closing, we wanted to emphasize that Bamboo Spirit is fun, approachable, flexible, and open to all, including those in the accessibility community.