In this post, I discuss defending against angle 12, which is typically an overhead strike.

If you are not able to view this video, click here.

The 12 strike is a powerful caveman-type strike. The power comes from two factors: (1) the attacker’s intent; and (2) gravitational assistance. Fundamentally, the 12 strike is an attack on the centerline. Any attack on your centerline must be defended!

There is a third factor, though, that must be addressed when teaching the defence against #12. 


For those starting in Filipino Martial Arts, the #12 strike is probably the most terrifying angle to confront. One of two things happen: (1) they don’t know which way to step, and consequently, they freeze, or (2) they just freeze.

Either way, there is no movement, which is quite common among children and adult beginners.

Hence, regardless of the defence being taught, footwork is paramount against angle 12, as demonstrated in the above video.

I teach three basic defences against #12. They are:

  1. Umbrella
  2. Wing
  3. Pass

With each of these three defences, footwork is emphasized. Otherwise, there will be a bad outcome for the defender.

Umbrella Block

It is imperative to step off the line. In the standard right vs. right umbrella, you would angle off to the right, preferably at a 45-degree angle.

Even if you have the perfect shield above your head, if you do not move, it is quite likely the attack will just crash through the shield. 

Sidenote: the umbrella block is essential to the Six Count drill.


Angling off the line

Wing Block

In the standard right vs. right scenario, step to the left, preferably at a 45-degree angle. I should note that a good check hand is essential with the wing. I prefer “stick” to my opponent with my check hand to preserve my follow-up options.

Again, it’s imperative that you not stand there and expect this technique to work.

It won’t work unless you move!


The first move of the passing drill. Notice that the stick is coming up for the 2nd step.

“Hand, stick, hand” is one way to execute the pass, and this is the version that I teach my students as it takes advantage of the check hand (left) and is illustrated in the video. I know what you’re thinking, “can that stick movement be an abanico strike?” Why yes, it can be!

Either way, you must angle off the line to make this work.

In other words, MOVE!

Bottom line, it does not matter which technique is employed, good footwork is essential.

Over to the instructors, how do you teach the defence against angle 12 attack? Let’s hear from you!