The first Master Chuck Gauss seminar in Oshawa held on Saturday, June 28th, was a rousing success.

Welcome to Oshawa, Master Chuck! What a great Modern Arnis seminar it was!

Chuck did a superb job of teaching various aspects of Modern Arnis, such as joint locks, applications of empty-hand single sinawali, the 2 vs. 1 stick drill, and basic tapi tapi. He ended the seminar with a devastating display of tapi tapi and an Espada y Daga demonstration.

The seminar was held in the beautiful gym at the Legends Centre in Oshawa.

Yours truly was the poor uke for the demonstrations. I got a lot of positive feedback from the participants regarding Chuck’s outstanding teaching abilities. We hope to bring him back to Oshawa for another seminar soon! I was pleased with the turnout, considering I started teaching only four months ago!

  • Group Photo
  • Mike and Dave doing single sinawali
  • Master Chuck and I.
  • Jon and Ben
  • John and Chris
  • Master Chuck and I.
  • Master Chuck and I.
  • Jody and Mary-Anne
  • Master Chuck and I.
  • Tapi tapi time
  • Joint locks!

Group picture by Mike Cooper.

A sample of the 2 vs 1 drill that he taught at the Oshawa seminar. If you are not able to view the video, click here.

I hope that y’all had a great time!

Additional Reading