Kudos to Mike Cooper for a great job in putting this together!

I enjoyed the 2008 Filipino Martial Arts Workshop, which was very well organized by Mike Cooper and featured myself, Sean Tyler of FCS, and Punong Guro Rudy Cosico of Arnis Canada. I kicked things off by teaching the 2 canes vs. 1 cane drill, and throughout the two-hour session, the folks seemed to enjoy this aspect of Modern Arnis. I’m a big fan of this drill and its applications since it does a great job developing one’s natural attributes.

Side note: This was an excellent introduction to Toronto’s Filipino Martial Arts scene. I had a fantastic time meeting and making new friends! It’s always fun meeting new folks whatever the circumstances.

I credit Master Chuck Gauss for teaching me this drill for which I helped him make a video. Because it’s a challenging drill, I took my time teaching it and allowing the folks to get a hold of it. Fortunately, the students were a talented bunch and caught on very quickly. After getting the basic drill down, we moved on to one right-hand technique and one left-hand technique.

Then, I finished the session by teaching them a right-hand and left-hand single-stick technique. I enjoyed teaching this session.

Group Photo

Next up was Sean Tyler of FCS (headed by Ray Dionaldo). He did an impressive job of teaching footwork drills, and I got a pretty good cardio workout. He then moved on to teaching knife techniques, which piqued my wife’s interest. She dug this session and is now thinking of ways of slicing and dicing me, thanks to Sean’s teaching.

Punong Guro Rudy then demonstrated Cinco Teros’s movements against a baseball bat, rifle with bayonet, and other weapons. It was very interesting to watch this man move. Many of the moves were what Modern Arnis players would call the “traditionals,” and they are among my favorite Arnis techniques. Techniques such as figure 8, banda y Banda, and the like were on display during PG Cosico’s session.

The workshop concluded with a group of participants demonstrating fully padded sport sparring. The action was quite fast-paced, with 15-second rounds. While that may not sound like a long time, I can testify, from watching the participants, that those 15 seconds can take a lot out of you. We finished off with the traditional group photo shoot.

At the end of the seminar, Mike, Sean, and I received a gift from Rose Cosico (PG Cosico’s daughter). It was a photo of PG Cosico and Professor Remy Presas taken in Buffalo in 1997, as seen below. Great photo!

From Left to Right: Mike Cooper, PG Rudy Cosico, Me, Sean Tyler.

Pictures are courtesy of Mike. Thanks!

I look forward to future workshop opportunities! What a great beginning to my life in Toronto!

Additional Reading