Rust and WD-40!

So, private lessons have slowly ramped up in the last couple of weeks. None of my clients have trained in 6 months. One said, “I haven’t picked up my stick since December.” From the get-go, their rustiness has been apparent. As a result, I have…

Lockdown Routine

To my martial arts friends, how have you kept your martial arts training since the lockdowns started? Here is a list of what I’ve done: How about you? What kind of training are you doing? Is anything different from my list? Now, some of my…

Solo Training

Many of us cannot train with our martial arts classmates and friends during these extraordinary times. Since I have confined myself at home, I have done a fair bit of solo training, including, but not limited to, bodyweight and martial exercises, solo stick exercises, Shotokan…

Under Lockdown

Note: I wrote this on March 2nd, which seems so long ago. A lockdown has been imposed. Still, much of what I wrote below still applies. Well, these are wild times. Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’re likely aware of the coronavirus. As…