Under Lockdown
Note: I wrote this on March 2nd, which seems so long ago. A lockdown has been imposed. Still, much of what I wrote below still applies. Well, these are wild times. Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’re likely aware of the coronavirus. As…
The Learning Cycle
As many of you know, I like teaching flow drills. I find it a practical and fun way to introduce the concepts of Modern Arnis. I find this a useful addition to a student’s learning cycle. The concepts range from abanico corto, palis palis, disarms,…
Get Out of the Comfort Zone!
Often, martial artists stay in their comfort zone and practice the same form or workout routine daily. They perform their favourite kata the same way several times a week. As a result, some get stuck in a rut. Why not challenge yourself? Why not get…
Archie Moore’s Crossed Guard
Recently, I came across a fantastic YouTube channel called The Modern Martial Artist. This channel has tons of videos analyzing many boxers and martial artists. The technical breakdowns are often superb. I have found several videos explaining techniques that are amazingly similar to martial arts that…
Modern Arnis Concepts: Stealing The Lead
Stealing the lead is a term often discussed in tapi tapi. It means that one player has reversed the momentum of the other and is driving on the other. In other words, one player has gone from a defensive mode to being on the offensive…
Sinawali Applications
Sinawali practice is an integral part of Filipino Martial Arts. I am amazed to see how little some understand the value of sinawali. Some don’t get beyond the double stick practice of the patterns or the “pattycake” empty-hand version. There is much to be mined…
Counters to Disarms
“How do you do these counters to the disarms?” “It’s easy; you must relax and practice them repeatedly.” During one class, I taught some counters to the #1 disarm taught in Modern Arnis. I taught these counters in the context of some principles I wanted…
Flow Drills vs. Techniques
Over the years I’ve taught Modern Arnis, I have flipped back and forth between teaching the art through techniques and flow drills. Lately, I have begun to emphasize flow drills more. Why? While teaching one-step techniques has its place, there are limitations to this method….
What Are Filipino Martial Arts?
Recently, a prospective student attended a trial class. She had some previous martial arts experience, consisting of karate. I taught her the 12 angles of attack and other Modern Arnis basics. She absorbed the material quickly and enthusiastically. After the class ended, I asked her…
Reaction vs Anticipation
Learning the difference between reaction and anticipation is challenging for a beginner student. In the beginning, students will often anticipate their opponent’s next move, often leading to bad outcomes. Over time, with guidance and experience, they will learn that reading and reacting is a better…
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