The Coming Winter

Uncertainty No one can predict with any certainty what may happen this coming winter. I think that one can safely say that, as far as Canada is concerned, there will probably not be another COVID-19 wave due to the high vaccination rates. On the other…

Rust and WD-40!

So, private lessons have slowly ramped up in the last couple of weeks. None of my clients have trained in 6 months. One said, “I haven’t picked up my stick since December.” From the get-go, their rustiness has been apparent. As a result, I have…

Sputtering to Life

My hopes of ramping up my private lesson teaching schedule from 0 to 60mph ran into reality last week. In a way, this mirrors the North American and European economies. Both are sputtering back to life after a year of COVID-related lockdowns. Rebooting economies isn’t…

Back in Action!

Man, am I happy or what? I am back in action by teaching private lessons for the first time since December! As soon as Ontario entered Step One of its re-opening plan, I emailed my clients, offering them the opportunity to start training again. Several…

It’s On Like Donkey Kong!

Ontario announced today that they would start re-opening the economy on Friday, June 11th. Based on my reading of the provincial guidelines, I can teach private lessons. IT’S ON LIKE DONKEY KONG! LET’S GO! Because the province is beginning to distribute 2nd doses, last fall’s…