Parole Is Coming!

Heeeeyo! Ontario announced today that they would ease capacity restrictions starting Thursday (February 17th) and abolish proof of vaccination requirements. However, Ontario has not said whether they will still require masks to be worn indoors. We should learn more in the next few days. In…

The Third Lockdown

Due to a massive surge in cases, hospitalizations, ICU admissions and ventilator numbers, Ontario tightened the COVID-related restrictions three weeks ago. This is an extension of varying degrees of a lockdown since December. Despite that, the trend did not change. The province then imposed a…

What Now?

What now? 2020 has been quite the year. Ontario went on a months-long lockdown from March through the end of August. At that time, the province started to relax COVID-19 restrictions in various regions, based on case numbers. Unfortunately and this was foreseeable, cases started…

Lockdown Routine

To my martial arts friends, how have you kept your martial arts training since the lockdowns started? Here is a list of what I’ve done: How about you? What kind of training are you doing? Is anything different from my list? Now, some of my…

Post Lockdown Thoughts

During these unprecedented times, martial arts instructors have to think about their short term futures, after the lockdowns are gradually eased, and we return to teaching. But, first, what is the definition of “short term future” in the context of these times? For me, the…

Under Lockdown

Note: I wrote this on March 2nd, which seems so long ago. A lockdown has been imposed. Still, much of what I wrote below still applies. Well, these are wild times. Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’re likely aware of the coronavirus. As…