Sputtering to Life

My hopes of ramping up my private lesson teaching schedule from 0 to 60mph ran into reality last week. In a way, this mirrors the North American and European economies. Both are sputtering back to life after a year of COVID-related lockdowns. Rebooting economies isn’t…

It’s On Like Donkey Kong!

Ontario announced today that they would start re-opening the economy on Friday, June 11th. Based on my reading of the provincial guidelines, I can teach private lessons. IT’S ON LIKE DONKEY KONG! LET’S GO! Because the province is beginning to distribute 2nd doses, last fall’s…

FMA Translations

One of the keys to mastery of FMAs is knowing how to translate a movement across different platforms. A good example of this is “gunting.” This is a scissors-like movement, characterized by the left hand parrying an attack while the right hand defangs or cuts…