Bodyweight Exercises

In recent years, I have become more attracted to bodyweight exercises, using only the body’s weight. In contrast, I have increasingly questioned the value of weightlifting at a gym. At a typical gym, you see rows and rows of exercise machines that specifically target and…

The Dance of Pain!

In this video, I demonstrate the dance of pain, showcasing another area of Modern Arnis. As alluded to in this previous post, Modern Arnis is more than stick fighting. We cover stick fighting, empty hands against a cane, joint locks, takedowns, ground controls, trapping hands, knife…

Style or Approach?

This entry is written from the perspective of self-defence needs and does not delve into the competition-oriented arts or those geared toward personal development. Specifically, I address whether you should care more about an instructor’s approach than his style. Some claim the superiority of one…