Timing, Speed and Rhythm
In the past year, I have pondered how to teach my students speed, timing, and rhythm. I have noticed the tendency of many to be “clocklike” in their timing and rhythm. This makes them predictable. In other words, their technique is usually “ONE-TWO, ONE-TWO, ONE-TWO.”…
3rd Annual Toronto Modern Arnis Camp
This weekend, Bamboo Spirit Martial Arts Centre hosted the 3rd Annual Toronto Modern Arnis Camp in Pickering, Ontario. Darkhorse TKD was the site of the camp. This year’s camp was proof of this annual event’s growing size, with 30 attendees in total. As a result,…
Review of Datu Kelly Worden DVDs
A few months ago, I purchased Datu Kelly Worden’s newly released DVDs, entitled “Anyo Baston- Beyond Form!” and “Anyo Isa- Beyond Form!” In a nutshell, I highly recommend getting these two DVDs. They are fantastic for deepening your understanding of the Modern Arnis anyos Professor…
Review of Master Chuck’s “Combat 2 vs. 1 ” DVD
Master Chuck Gauss recently released a new 2 vs 1 DVD, entitled “Combat 2 vs 1.” This is the sequel to an earlier DVD that covered the basics of the two sticks vs. one drill. Disclosure: I was the training partner/uke in both videos. Two…
Bodyweight Exercises
In recent years, I have become more attracted to bodyweight exercises, using only the body’s weight. In contrast, I have increasingly questioned the value of weightlifting at a gym. At a typical gym, you see rows and rows of exercise machines that specifically target and…
The Modern Arnis 2 vs 1 Drill
My favourite developmental drill is the Modern Arnis 2 vs 1 drill I learned from Master Chuck Gauss. Through this drill, one can develop tremendous skills needed for single-stick fighting. At a basic level, a practitioner will learn how to develop ambidexterity. Major concepts of…
The Dance of Pain!
In this video, I demonstrate the dance of pain, showcasing another area of Modern Arnis. As alluded to in this previous post, Modern Arnis is more than stick fighting. We cover stick fighting, empty hands against a cane, joint locks, takedowns, ground controls, trapping hands, knife…
Modern Arnis on Rogers Cable!
On Thursday, March 22nd, we had a somewhat unusual class. Two journalism students from nearby Durham College came by to shoot footage of a Bamboo Spirit class. In addition, they interviewed me and one of my students, Terence. The footage will air on Rogers Cable!…
Style or Approach?
This entry is written from the perspective of self-defence needs and does not delve into the competition-oriented arts or those geared toward personal development. Specifically, I address whether you should care more about an instructor’s approach than his style. Some claim the superiority of one…
Learning Styles in the Martial Arts
I believe that people have different learning styles. Some learn with their ears (audio learners). Some students are “visual learners.” Then there are those who learn through a combination of audio and visual cues. If you are not able to view this video, click here….
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