
While perusing various videos on The Modern Martial Artist YouTube channel, I came across this fascinating video and loved the footwork analysis! If you are not able to view this video, click here. Quick background: Willie Pep is considered, pound for pound, among the top…

Talent or Dedication?

Which is more important, dedication or talent? From an instructor’s perspective, dedication wins hands down. Like many instructors, I have students who are talented and “natural.” I also have students who are not “natural” in martial arts. Oddly enough, and generally speaking, the less talented…

Self Permission

While teaching the self-defence classes at the Abilities Centre a couple of weeks ago, I discussed the concepts of setting boundaries, assertiveness, and self-permission. One of the exercises during this particular class involved one person invading their partner’s personal space. The defender had to assert…

Rebooting The Blog

I know that it’s been a while since I’ve done a blog post. It’s been a busy few months. For one thing, the website has been going through a re-design, complete with a new logo that I hope reflects my martial arts business personality. More…