Yesterday, I attended a Triple Threat seminar in London, Ontario, featuring Professors Steve Stewart, Ken Smith, and Leon Jay. During the day, each instructor took turns teaching their respective arts.

Professors Leon Jay, Steve Stewart, Ken Smith and me!

Professor Ken Smith used me as uke to share his Modern Arnis expertise, demonstrating a fun knife flow drill that captivated the audience. Meanwhile, Professor Leon Jay threw us around with his Small Circle Ju-Jitsu skills, showcasing his mastery of leverage, sensitivity and efficiency of his throws. Additionally, Professor Steve Stewart applied his Pressure point knowledge to a Kenpo technique, emphasizing the critical points along the body that could incapacitate an opponent with minimal effort. Throughout the seminar, each professor’s unique approach and specialization opened our eyes to the diverse and rich tapestry of martial arts, leaving us inspired and eager to learn more.

Small Social Media Tweak

I recently tweaked the settings of my Instagram account to automatically share Posts, Reels, and Stories to my Facebook Page. Since my blog posts are automatically published there, I decided to automatically share my Instagram feed with my Facebook page. However, there is one limitation. Instagram does not provide for the automatic sharing of carousels. Speaking of which, check out my first video carousel below. Be sure to swipe left. 😉

Furthermore, I can automatically share my Posts to my Threads account. However, automatic sharing of Reels is not yet available. Fortunately, sharing Reels manually to Threads is not that hard. So, if you’re on Threads, check me out there!

Other Stuff I wrote: