How to do the Clock Exercise

  1. Beginning

    Imagine standing in the middle of the clock, facing noon. Visualize the numbers associated with the clock.

  2. Performing the Exercise

    While bending into a squat on one leg, reach as far as possible forward, sideways, and backward with the free foot to each number while keeping your balance.

  3. After touching a number

    After you have touched the clock number, straighten your leg up and return to your starting position.

  4. Repeat

    Repeat the one-legged squat and touch the numbers in order until you reach 12 o’clock.

  5. Perform the same exercise with the other leg.

    It is essential for balanced development to do this exercise on both legs.

For an alternative explanation, check out this article.

Try these leg exercises and see if they result in improved explosiveness in your footwork!

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