Happy New Year to all of you!

Anyway, like many folks, I have goals for this year. Chief among them is “160 and 60 by 60!” Now I am confident that I will crank out 60 pushups on my 60th birthday.

40! Not too bad!

But I want to focus on the value of setting goals for a few minutes.

Setting goals brings clarity to our lives. What is the point of getting into a car and driving aimlessly without a destination? None. The same goes for life goals.

By setting clear goals, we create a roadmap for ourselves. In my case, it’s “160 and 60 by 60!” With a goal in mind, we then develop a plan to meet the objectives. The fun part is that we often encounter obstacles or setbacks, requiring us to either tweak the plan or resort to backup plans. For example, my progress toward 60 pushups stalled out a month ago. While doing bench presses, dumbbell presses and flys, I had not incorporated pushups into my fitness routine. I erroneously assumed that weightlifting would help me meet my pushup goal. Nope. I have now incorporated pushups along with my lifting routine.

If you are not able to view this video, go here.

Over to you. What are your goals for this year? Do you have short-term goals to help you achieve the long-term goal? Let’s hear from you!

Before you go elsewhere on the Internet, please consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee!

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A huge thank you in advance!


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