Friday Recommendation #22
If you are not able to view the video, go here.
In short, I highly recommend this video.
This video starts with Jesse demonstrating Naihanchi/Tekki Shodan and explaining that it contains elements of Wing Chun. Beginning with that kata, Sensei Jesse and Sifu Kevin Lee gave us a fascinating look into the similarities between karate and Wing Chun. The below clip shows them comparing a common technique.
What I love about this video is that Sensei Jesse focuses on the similarities between karate and Wing Chun. You might hear a certain Filipino voice say, “It is all de same!” I think there is more to be gained from seeing the similarities between martial arts. Some call it “making the connections. The late Professor Remy A. Presas often emphasized the importance of making connections with his students. “It is all de same” he often exclaimed when pointing out the connection. For example, he often highlighted the similarities between Filipino Martial arts and other arts.
Sensei Jesse has made several other videos highlighting the similarities between karate and other martial arts. He even did one on karate and Filipino martial arts!
If you are not able to view the video, go here.
I must credit Sensei Jesse for “making the connections.” By doing so, he is expanding his considerable knowledge base.
If, instead, you are prone to looking for the differences between your style and others, you may be missing out on opportunities to stretch your martial horizons. Most of the time, the problem is not the martial art itself but has much more to do with the practitioner. I find that many martial artists often handcuff themselves regarding self-education. When they nitpick at other martial arts, it may signify that their cups are not empty.
Think less of the differences and focus more on the similarities. Once you do that, you will see the connections, just as Sensei Jesse did with karate and Wing Chun.
To be clear, I am saying this not from a “kumbaya, let’s all get along” perspective. There is a practical aspect to all of this. One can greatly expand the knowledge base by looking for connections and similarities. For example, one may learn a shortcut to a technique from someone from a different martial background. Who knows?
I can tell you there are similarities between Modern Arnis and Wing Chun. One of my students was a Wing Chun black sash, and he delighted in showing me the similarities between Modern Arnis and Wing Chun. I loved it! He later introduced me to his Wing Chun teacher, Sifu Dominique Emond. I trained in Wing Chun once a week until Sifu had to close his school. I experienced enough to make the connections between Wing Chun and Modern Arnis techniques. That was a load of fun!
Professor Chuck Gauss invited Sifu Dom and me to teach a one-day Modern Arnis/Wing Chun camp at his Michigan dojo in January 2014. We had a ball pointing out the similarities between the two arts to the attendees. That was a great day. Like Sensei Jesse and Professor Presas, we were “making the connections.”
Flyer for the 2014 seminar.
So, I was delighted when I watched Sensei Jesse’s video connecting karate and Wing Chun. I believe that IS the way to approach martial arts training. Instead of nitpicking at the differences, we should be looking for similarities. Obviously, that will lead to greater knowledge!
The bottom line is that you should watch the video at the beginning of this post. It will be well worth your time.
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Brian Johns
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