This will be a short post as I returned from our annual cottage week a few days ago. Check out the beautiful scenery in the short video below.

As usual, I had a great time there. I read a few books, hung out with family and ate well. Oh yes, a few beers too. But I still did solo workouts, focusing on hill workouts every day before heading to the beach.

In the video below, I mentioned doing 15 reps of this hill. I’m happy to report that I amped it up to 25 reps on our last day there.

The right side is feeling pretty decent. Probably be another month or two before it’s 100%!

In other news, I recently learned of a new development with WordPress. See my one-minute video below.

The addition of VideoPress is a huge advancement for bloggers! The number of changes and upgrades over the last few years has been mind-boggling and overdue. While video platforms (YouTube, YouTube Shorts, Instagram, TikTok etc.) have proliferated over the past few years, the enhancements to blogging platforms such as WordPress, Wix and others have been amazing. I think that this is an underrated and unappreciated social media development.

Funny Video of the Week

Master Ken, as always, is on top of the latest social phenomenon, and this video does not disappoint!

Lastly, buy me a coffee or a beer!

On a serious note, please consider supporting this blog because I need your help defraying the increasing expenses associated with the blog/website.

A huge thank you in advance!


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Have a great week!