Modern Arnis is well known for its different locks and techniques using sticks and empty hands. Locking is used to break a joint, control another person, or set up a hit. Since applying a joint lock in a live situation is difficult, I think more about using a lock attempt to set up a hit.

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I love the locks demonstrated by GM Rodel. While the locks are slightly different, there is no doubt about the Modern Arnis influence. I love stick-locking and countering them.

All that said, locks are quite difficult to use in live situations. Unlike your training partners, it is quite unlikely that the bad guy will be compliant. Applying a lock on a moving target is quite difficult. They may be slippery. Muscle-based resistance may pose a challenge. They may be Gumby, damn it!

Hence one of the main criticisms of joint lock drills is that “it’s unrealistic.” On the surface, to flow from one lock to another on a compliant partner does seem unrealistic.

But a student has to start somewhere. Transitioning from one lock to the next is essential to learning to go with the flow.

Hence stick locking drills are essential.

Once the student learns a basic flow drill, I will introduce counters and reversals into the mix. Every lock can be countered and re-countered.

Learning counters and reversals will enhance a student’s sensitivity for close-quarters self-defence encounters.

That’s not the end of it!

The student must then learn to deal with opponents who resist locking techniques. Or those who are slippery due to perspiration. How about those who utilize footwork to change the angle and direction of various locks? In other words, dealing with unpredictability and chaos.

Sometimes, the simplest solution is just to hit.

As such, the above video by GM Rodel is a good introduction to Modern Arnis stick locking. Enjoy!

Lastly, buy me a coffee!

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