If you’re not able to view the video, go here.

I decided to go with a non-martial arts-related podcast. Cameron Hanes is a hard-core athlete who likes to run, lift and is an expert archer. You should see his archery feats on Instagram. Impressive stuff!

This podcast/conversation with an elite athlete, Katie Hunt, was interesting. While it doesn’t contain profound insights, it does reveal their love of training and grinding it out. It’s clear they love pushing themselves to the limit. One quote I liked was (and I’m paraphrasing) “Your body may change, but your mentality doesn’t.” The theme of pushing yourself to the limit resonates with me, which is why I enjoyed this podcast.

As a 58-year-old, I’ve learned to adapt my training to my age. I now focus on smart and efficient workouts prioritizing agility, mobility, balance, and flexibility. I’ve also switched to low-impact activities to protect my body. Though I still push myself, I must be realistic and mindful of my limitations. All that said, I will push myself hard within my limitations once the hip is 100%.

I had a successful half-hour test session with Alex on Tuesday. I felt soreness on Wednesday, but I believe it was due to the consecutive days of physical activity (Michigan camp from Friday to Sunday and yardwork on Monday). Overall, I am pleased with the session and excited to continue my one-on-one lessons in the coming weeks.

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Have a great weekend!

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