Ontario announced today that they would start re-opening the economy on Friday, June 11th. Based on my reading of the provincial guidelines, I can teach private lessons.


Because the province is beginning to distribute 2nd doses, last fall’s COVID-19 protocols for private lessons will remain in effect. I just booked my 2nd dose appointment for June 23rd. Additionally, I will email my students tomorrow to book lessons starting Monday, June 14th. I want to start this coming Saturday, but my wife and I have set the weekend aside for my mother-in-law’s 90th birthday.

All that said, I will start preparing lesson plans for those who trained with me last fall, before the December shutdown. There will be some rust, but it shouldn’t take long for me and my students to get back up to speed.

As usual, we’ll focus on the basics, flow drills and applications. I don’t intend on farting around too much. That said, I want to have fun with my students, too. Once we get the rust off, I hope to introduce free-style sparring incrementally. We’ll see.

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It’s been nearly six months since I last saw students in person, and so I’m really looking forward to resuming lessons as soon as possible. I’m sure that many feel the same way. While Zoom has its place, there is no real substitute for live training. Live training affords participants opportunities for spontaneous exploratory tangents and discoveries. In short, eureka moments regularly happen in private lessons. I love those moments!!

The discoveries can range from cool moves, counters, re-counters and, many times, reinforcement of the fundamentals. It’s akin to being a mad scientist in a lab sometimes!

Another thing that I’m looking forward to is making videos with my students. I’ll have to start thinking about topics. One can only make so many solo training videos like I did last year.

Here’s a playlist of last year’s solo training videos for those interested.

If you are not able to view this playlist, click here.

Anyway, I can’t wait to get back into the swing of things. Stay tuned!

Additional Reading