Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Over the years, I have observed that those who love learning are often the most enjoyable folks to teach in private lessons.

Like many, I have been captivated by Nandi Bushell, a phenomenally talented 10-year-old drummer in the U.K. whose videos have gone viral due to her unbelievable skill. While I am not the musical type, what is evident to me is that Ms. Bushell exudes joy while drumming. The joy is rather apparent. I’m sure her instructors (if she has any) would find her a delightful student!

Her joy is reminiscent of Alan, one of my all-time favourite students. He and his friend, Noel, both 84 years old, were like kids on Christmas morning every time we trained! I miss training with them just for their sense of wonder while training.

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Is there any doubt that Ms. Bushell enjoys learning the nuances of drumming? I tell you, the easiest students for me to teach are the ones who enjoy the training and demonstrate a passion for Modern Arnis. They rarely judge themselves harshly during classes or lessons. So much so that it’s a blast to teach them. One such student is this kid.

Myself and Caiden after a great training session! This kid is always engaged in joyful learning!
The kid and I after a great training session!

Let me tell you. He LOVES Filipino Martial Arts and catches on very quickly. While it’s seemingly hard to discern whether he’s smiling, it’s easy to tell he is. His eyes are a dead giveaway. He usually waits for me by the front porch with his sticks when I arrive for our weekly lessons at his house.

I make sure that I teach him something new to learn in every lesson. He eats it up! He has so much fun that the lesson often ends on a “Where did the time go by?” note.

Virtually no rust in our first private lesson!

Many of my other students exhibit similar vibes toward learning. A few often arrive 10 or 15 minutes early fired up, and ready to go! How can I not like this? They ask tons of questions about Modern Arnis, eager to learn all the nuances of the art.

These kinds of students are pretty easy to teach, and this is one reason, besides the COVID-19 pandemic, why I’ve switched over to private lessons.

I love teaching one on one. However, my student’s passion for each lesson makes my job even more enjoyable! I know that they will ask questions and listen to my training instructions. Each of them is, in some ways, like Ms. Bushell regarding their passion for training! Training with a sense of joy is a great tonic for these unusual times.

Over to you, do you have students who love to learn? Tell me about them!


Additional Reading