This year’s Michigan Modern Arnis camp was held from June 24th through the 27th.

We had a fantastic turnout, with around 45 participants and 15 first-time camp attendees. Master Chuck Gauss, Master Ken Smith, Master Brian Zawilinski, Master Roland Rivera, and Master Earl Tullis took turns teaching various aspects of Modern Arnis throughout the weekend.

2010 Michigan Camp Group Photo
Group Photo courtesy of Wayne and Lee Anne

Master Chuck covered traditionals, such as figure 8 and banda y Banda, within the context of tapi tapi.

Master Ken taught counter-joint lock flow sessions, reverse sinawali boxing, and left vs. right tapi tape. The video below shows a small sample of his dirty boxing.

If you are not able to view this video, click here.

First, Master Earl covered the finer points of the basics for those attending their first camp. Next, Master Brian covered traditionals and empty-handed aspects of Modern Arnis.

Lastly, Master Roland covered the largo range of Espada y Daga (palis palis and abanico corto) and closed the distance from the largo range to the medio/corto range.

The highlight of the Michigan Camp was Master Chuck’s invitation to perform a 45-minute “demonstration” in front of the Masters and the entire camp.

Essentially, it was my test for a 4th-degree black belt (Lakan Apat). Master Chuck would randomly call up folks and ask me to demonstrate whatever he wanted.

I demonstrated left vs. right tapi tapi, traditionals, knife work, empty hand against cane, espada y daga, abanico corto, and traditionals against 5 attackers simultaneously, finishing with the anyos. It was 45 minutes of nonstop action with a couple of water breaks.

I can tell you the one thing that I need to work on, and that is: cardio!  That’s an area that I will work on. The more worn out I got, the less sharp my technique was. I also need to control my nerves in front of the audience. The more experience I get at this, the better I should get. I tell ya, I was sweating buckets by the end of the test!!

I was honoured to have been promoted by Masters Chuck, Ken, and Brian. However, I know I have a long way to go in this beautiful art. So much to learn.

Congratulations to Roland and Earl on their promotion to Lakan Lima (5th degree)!

Another result of this camp is the decision to hold the first Toronto Modern Arnis Camp!

Overall, it was a great camp. Finally, thanks to Steve and his wife for their tremendous hospitality in letting me stay at their house during the weekend.

Additional Reading