Before this great seminar by Master Chuck Gauss, we put out a commercial on YouTube.

If you are not able to view this video, click here.

Master Chuck Gauss taught another great seminar in Oshawa this past weekend. He covered topics such as abanico corto, palis-palis, right-hand and left-hand tapi tapi, locks, and empty hand flow.

During the seminar, he inspired us with his consuming passion for the art of Modern Arnis.

Joel and Alan enjoyed the seminar! If you are not able to see this video, click here.

A highlight of the seminar weekend for me was the personal training that a select group of students got from Master Chuck in the basement of my house. This private training session took place the night before the seminar. This group included Wayne and Lee Anne, who came up from Connecticut for the weekend. Master Chuck sure kept us busy during this private training session.

A tremendous amount of material and fun to boot! More important than the material taught by Master Chuck was the opportunity to train with friends and make new ones in the process.

It was a great time!

I plan to bring Master Chuck back out in the fall!

Additional Reading