Master Chuck Gauss’s second seminar took place on Saturday, November 8th. It was a fun-filled and energetic time.

Master Chuck arrived in Oshawa on Friday night with his good friend and student, Steve. We went out to eat and then to the basement for intensive Modern Arnis training. We then watched videos of Professor Presas, the founder of Modern Arnis. There was a fair amount of beer during the training. 🙂

The seminar took place the next day. Master Chuck covered two vs. one stick work and single stick work. He also emphasized locks, strikes, takedowns, footwork, and disarms. All enjoyed the seminar. Datu Tim Hartman stopped for a visit and came with us to the post-seminar dinner at the Mandarin Restaurant.

  • Group photo after the November 2008 seminar

We hope to have Master Chuck out next spring for another fantastic seminar. Modern Arnis’s growth in this area continues!

As we approach the end of this year, I look back on it and am grateful for the progress made since I started teaching here at the end of February. I feel that an excellent foundation has been laid, and I plan to expand the program after the New Year. Many kudos to many folks (Oshawa, Ottawa, Stouffville, Whitby, and Detroit), especially Mary-Anne, who have helped me throughout the year.

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