The first Modern Arnis class in Oshawa, Ontario, was held on Wednesday, February 20, 2008, at the Legends Community Centre. It was held just eight months after I moved here, and lots of prep work went into it.

I aimed to get 2 to 5 people in for the initial class. I got 5 participants, one of whom left early. Unfortunately, Modern Arnis wasn’t what he was looking for.

The other four (including my wife, Mary-Anne) enthusiastically participated in the two-hour class. I focused on the basics, such as the 12 angles, single sinawali, and both cane and empty-handed. I also introduced the basic block, check, and counter drill.

Interestingly, they had been looking for a Filipino Martial Art to practice for quite some time. They were happy to have me in their backyard. Nice folks. One of them, Chris, was kind enough to take a group picture at the end of the first Oshawa Modern Arnis class for posterity!

Group photo after the 1st Oshawa Modern Arnis class.
From left to right: Jason Fletcher, myself, Mary-Anne, Jon Storm and Chris Luttrell

It was a lot of fun to be teaching again. I have not taught classes regularly since leaving the Hilliard Martial Arts Center in Columbus, Ohio, in June 2007.

I look forward to the next class and attracting more people to Modern Arnis in Oshawa. Bringing Master Chuck Gauss, my instructor, here for a seminar is one of my goals this year.